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Itay and Hadar Berdichevsky died while protecting their 10-month-old twins from Hamas attack

Their 10-month-old twins were found alive by Israeli soldiers in a shelter 12 hours after the Hamas attack



Itay and Hadar Berdichevsky are two young Israelis in their 30s. Their story joins those of the hundreds of victims who died in the brutal attack carried out on Saturday morning by Hamas militiamen on agricultural communities just across the border in Gaza.

Among them is Kfar Az. Here Itay and Hadar were brutally murdered after fighting ferociously with terrorists to protect their children.

They had hidden their children, ten-month-old twins, in the shelter while the terrorists entered their home. 

Only 12 hours later they were rescued by the Israeli army. 

Even today, over 48 hours after the terrorist attack, fighting is taking place in the kibbutz, one of over two hundred small communities born as farming communities, but over time becoming small self-sufficient cities, a symbol of the colonization of the desert in Palestine.