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Streamer Natalie Reynolds Dares Vulnerable Woman to Jump into Lake, Flees When She Can’t Swim in Cruel Stunt

Her current condition remains unknown.



A streamer identified as Natalie Reynolds reportedly dared a homeless woman, who could not swim, to jump into a lake.

The woman, in distress, was heard calling for help as Reynolds fled the scene.

A firetruck was seen heading towards the lake, and the Austin Fire Department later confirmed their response to an emergency at Lady Bird Lake.

Reynolds was heard saying, “Stop, seriously, you’re actually freaking me out. I’m going to fing k myself. She says she’s drowning,” as she left the scene.

The woman had allegedly accepted $20 to jump into the water.

Her current condition remains unknown.

This incident highlights the dark side of social media, illustrating how far some people will go for fame, clicks, and money.

Let’s pray for her safety and well-being.
