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Australian teenager cited with calling-in a hoax bomb and shooting threat at River Hill High School in October 2022

Police continue to investigate whether he had any accomplices.



A teenager from Australia has been charged with making a hoax bomb threat and shooting threat at River Hill High School in October 2022.

This incident was not isolated to River Hill, as it’s believed that the young male made numerous similar calls across the United States around the same period.

The Howard County Police consider these calls, often referred to as “swatting,” to be of utmost seriousness, not only during the event itself but also in its aftermath.

The call prompted a substantial police presence, instilled fear in students, staff, and parents, and caused disruptions to the school’s regular operations.

Once police confirmed the threat was a hoax, HCPD detectives launched into an expansive and thorough investigation that included more than 20 search warrants for digital evidence and coordination with multiple other local and federal agencies.

As a result, detectives identified the suspected caller on the other side of the globe and Australian authorities cited him accordingly.

Police continue to investigate whether he had any accomplices.

HCPD investigates all threats of violence and swatting calls.

Even if meant as a hoax, it is a serious crime. We’d like to recognize the tenacity of our detectives in investigating this complicated case and holding those responsible accountable.