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Hamas threatens to execute a hostage every time civilians in Gaza are hit by Israeli airstrikes via live television

Hamas says it will film the execution of hostages and post the videos online.



Starting now, for every attack on our innocent civilians, we will respond by executing one of our captive hostages.

Abu Ubaideh, military spokesman for Hamas’ Al-Qassam Brigades: “Every targeting of our people without warning will be met with the execution of a civilian hostage.

Each execution will be aired on live television for the world to see.

We have decided to put an end to this and as of now and we declare that any targeting of our people in their homes without prior warning will be regrettably faced with the execution of one the hostages of civilians we are holding,” he said.

Israeli authorities have reported at least 1,100 casualties and over 2,000 injuries in Israel following rocket strikes by Hamas militants from Gaza.

Additionally, Palestinian officials have stated that there have been hundreds more casualties in Gaza due to retaliatory airstrikes by Israeli jet fighters.

This includes around 700 fatalities in Israel, a significant toll considering recent conflicts, and nearly 500 in Gaza, an area home to 2.3 million Palestinians, bordering Israel and Egypt.

This is a developing story that will be updated when more information is available.